Italian cheese: scimudin from the Valtellina

If we had to do a list of all the cheeses in Italy, this would become a never-ending cheese blog.
But given the hugely rich Italian culinary tradition, we take a look every so often at an Italian cheese product – today, the scimudin.
The scimudin is a cheese from the Valtellina region in Lombardy, northern Italy, and is a typical cheese traditionally made from goat’s milk but is now more commonly made from cow’s milk.

The crust is soft and thin, a white-grey colour from the typical development of mould, and the cheese itself is white to yellow in colour.
The cheese has a fresh flavour and is brought to table after only three to four waters maturing time.
The taste of this Italian cheese is therefore sweet, creamy and delicate.
It’s perfect to match with honey, jams (try some pumpkin jam) and even polenta, salami, olive oil and pepper.

Written by Unit

Aleix Espargaro at Risk for Laguna Seca

Vanessa Incontrada snapped in bikini at Follonica, Tuscany