Italian art exhibitions: The Basilica of Assisi, Restoration and Virtual Reconstruction

From April 11 to September 5 in Assisi will take place an important event called I colori di Giotto or Giotto ‘s colours; dedicated to Agnolo di Bondone and curated by Giuseppe Basile, the exhibition celebrates the approval of the Secular Franciscan order by the Church 800 years ago.
The big news is that the amazing frescoes that Giotto painted for the Basilica of Assisi (San Nicola chapel) can now be enjoyed by the public thanks to a recently completed restoration.

Visitors will also be able to climb to the top of the scaffold to get a better view! Bu the surprises do not end here; at the palazzo del Monte Frumentario people will be taken on a virtual journey into the Life of Saint Francis.
A unique experience! Something you will never forget!

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