“Israel’s Gaza School Strike Kills 100+”

The government in Gaza, led by Hamas, reported that an Israeli attack on a school utilised as a shelter for those displaced led to the death of more than 100 Palestinians and wounded many others on a Saturday. According to the Israeli military, they were aiming for a Hamas command centre. The school was hit during dawn prayers according to Hamas, leading to numerous casualties. Medics reportedly struggled to reach all the bodies.

At the time, there was no available news from the health authorities in Gaza. The Israeli air force, in a statement, mentioned that it targeted a command and control centre where Hamas leadership were hidden. It was also reported that Israel was taking measures to minimise civilian harm through the use of accurate explosives, aerial oversight, and intelligence info.

After launching an assault on Gaza in response to Hamas militants storming southern Israel on October 7th and causing the death of 1,200 individuals, the majority of them being civilians, Israel aimed to obliterate Hamas. Over 250 individuals were kidnapped by Hamas as well. As per Israeli records, this event led to their assault.

The Palestinian health ministry reported almost 40,000 Palestinian deaths as a result of the ongoing Israeli offensive in Gaza since then, omitting any distinction between civilians and combatants. Israeli authorities mention a loss of 329 lives on their side and emphasized that one-third of the Palestinian deaths were combatants, while health officials claim that a majority of the victims were civilians.

Negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza were attempted for revival by the United States, Egypt, and Qatar. A new round of discussions has been scheduled for a Thursday amidst fears of a wider conflict involving Iran and its Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, who also supports Hamas.
