Israeli Troops Target Unifil in Lebanon

Unifil bases in southern Lebanon, where Irish Defence Forces are located, have been subjected to attacks from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). It is fortunate, however, that no members of the Irish peacekeepers were harmed in these events.

Thursday saw the United Nations peacekeepers’ headquarters in southern Lebanon, along with neighbouring posts, struck multiple times, as noted in a statement delivered by Unifil. They confirmed that two peacekeepers had been hurt as a result of IDF tank fire.

Unifil delivered a strong message, stating that the IDF had consistently directed attacks at their positions over the last few days. Personnel were even targeted with gunfire on Thursday morning.

Two peacekeepers were injured when a tank operated by the IDF released fire towards an observation tower at the Unifil headquarters in Naqoura. The tower was directly hit, causing the peacekeepers to fall. The severity of the injury was fortunately not high this time, yet the peacekeepers are still receiving medical care in hospital. According to Unifil, IDF soldiers also attacked United Nations’ Position (UNP) 1-31 in Ras Naqoura, which resulted in an impact at the entrance of the bunker where peacekeepers were taking shelter. This led to damage to the vehicles and communications system. They also spotted an IDF drone flying into UNP, right up to the bunker’s entrance.

On the preceding day, IDF soldiers were found to have deliberately shot at and disabled the cameras monitoring the position’s perimeter. They also directed hostile acts towards UNP 1-32A, the location where trilateral meetings used to occur prior to the onset of conflict, causing damage to the lighting and a relay station.

Unifil condemned these deliberate attacks describing them as serious violations of international humanitarian law and of the Security Council resolution 1701.

The Irish Defence Forces, in a statement made on Thursday, reassured that all of its personnel are unharmed and have been accounted for. They maintain that all necessary protection measures have been implemented and confirm that the Irish positions have remained unscathed from any incoming rounds of fire.

The headquarters of Unifil in Naqoura and surrounding areas have been frequently targeted in recent times. Escalated military action near the ‘blue line’, has led to the vast devastation of Lebanese residential spaces in the south, and rockets are still being fired towards Israel, including its civilian zones.

Over the previous few days, Israeli intrusions into Lebanon, particularly in places like Naqoura have been observed. Clashes between Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Hizbullah representatives have been a common occurrence in Lebanon, according to Unifil.

The IDF and the radical Lebanese organization, Hizbullah, are essentially engaging in conflict within this region. IDF forces have propelled their way into southern Lebanon, strengthening their troops in the area, since the prior week.

One of the targets, seemingly of the IDF, was Unifil’s primary base situated in Naqoura, a minor urban area in Lebanon where some Irish staff are stationed.

Simon Harris, Ireland’s Taoiseach, stated: “I’ve been informed about the circumstances in Southern Lebanon. Arrayed Irish troops are accounted for and continue to carry out their tasks impeccably. Any form of attack in the vicinity of Unifil soldiers or premises is thoughtless and must cease.”

Deputy Irish leader Micheál Martin asserted that the IDF’s actions “underline the significantly high-risk setting and perilous circumstances peacekeeping forces are currently operating under and the requirement for a ceasefire with immediate effect”.

On entry into the Dáil chamber on Thursday, he commented: “I am yet to receive an update in relation to that account… but I anticipate a comprehensive report”.

Responding to Ivana Bacik, the Labour leader who mentioned reports of IDF assault on Unifil locations, Mr Martin said it’s “Israel’s constant escalation of chaos”. He further mentioned: “Israel seems to be ignoring the advice of its allies concerning its strategic direction” and appears to be involved in an “all-out war”. He further condemned the “unacceptable nature of destructive warfare today, where it obliterates everything from healthcare to education”, considering it to be “a distinct violation of global humanitarian law”.

Cathal Berry, Independent TD, noted the determination of Irish Unifil forces in holding their positions has “bolstered the determination of other positions” along the UN’s ‘blue line’.

Speaking at the Dáil, Mr. Berry, an ex-army ranger from the Defence Forces, expressed his concern over the situation at outpost 6-52, manned by 30 soldiers. He expressed relief at the soldiers’ decision to stand their ground, stating that giving away to threats could have led to a damaging sequence of events along the entire Blue Line, causing restlessness among the other posts.

Contrarily, he notes that such actions from the soldiers have only made concomitant posts more determined, ensuring that a repetition of the Srebenica massacre, that took place during the Bosnian War, won’t occur while they are on duty. In this horrific incident of 1995, about 8,000 Muslims were brutally slaughtered.

He claimed, “Sometimes, the smallest incidents can cause a big change in the course of history, and the recent events at outpost 6-52 could just be such an instance.”

The mentioned outpost – UNP 6-52 – is one among the 29 UN posts situated within a 5km radius of the Blue Line border marking a divide between northern Israel and southern Lebanon. Close to 30 Irish soldiers were serving there under Unifil, when Israeli Defense Force (IDF) approached their compact compound in tanks and other military vehicles recently.

To prepare firing spots and fortification, the IDF brought in earth movers, and parked right outside the Irish post causing worry of potential attack, thereby, threatening the Defence Forces Unifil staff on serious levels.

However, upon the withdrawal of the Israeli troops early Tuesday morning— they initially moved towards the north— a wave of relief took over, especially given that Hizbullah announced they had no intentions to launch an attack on the IDF at that specific location.

Though the Israeli troops have moved away after initially requesting Unifil’s vacating the area, it drew attention to the grave potential hazards faced by the Irish group, numbering more than 300, currently functioning with Unifil.

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