Israeli Sniper Fatally Shoots UN Employee in the West Bank

According to the United Nations, an unidentified sharpshooter killed one of their workers atop his residence within the northern part of the West Bank. This tragic incident marks the first time an employee for Unrwa, the UN agency aiding Palestinian refugees experienced fatal violence in the West Bank for over ten years. Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad was the sanitation worker who lost his life.

Simultaneously, mourners in Turkey congregated to memorialise a dual citizen activist of the US and Turkey. The Israeli armed forces had slain the activist at a demonstration a mere six days prior, happening 30km from the recent killing.

The persistent conflict escalating in the West Bank is going underappreciated due to the Gaza conflict. The past few weeks have observed increased Israeli military operations, with violence escalating to unparalleled measures that are endangering communities, as stated by Unrwa.

In a separate incident, Israel’s military confirmed that an uninhabited area in central Israel became the casualty of a missile strike launched from Yemen, as reported by Reuters on Sunday. The attack resulted in zero casualties – a fortunate outcome given that air raid sirens were going off moments prior in Tel Aviv and other central Israel communities, forcing locals to seek safe shelter.

The Israeli military informed that loud explosions echoing in the area were the results of launched missile interceptors. On Sunday, the health ministry in Gaza reported that the deadly military onslaught on Gaza by Israel, which commenced on October 7th, has claimed the lives of a minimum of 41,206 Palestinians and left a further 95,337 wounded, as reported by the Guardian.
