“Israeli Probe into Palestinian Detainee Abuse Sparks Protests”

The Israeli military informed on Monday that an investigation into alleged mistreatment of a detained Palestinian has been initiated. This action provoked a backlash from right-wing demonstrators and politicians. According to the military, the advocate general had sanctioned the investigation following concerns of substantial mistreatment of a captive, though no additional information was provided.

Army Radio disclosed that military police had arrived at the Sde Teiman detention facility as part of the investigation. They reportedly questioned around 10 reserve soldiers who are suspected of mistreating a captive from Hamas, a prominent Palestinian Islamist organization.

Human rights groups, such as the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, have accused the camp of severe mistreatment of prisoners. This facility, previously a military base located in the Negev desert, has been scheduled by Israel for disestablishment. Prior reports suggest that the military had announced an investigation into allegations of abuse.

Upon arrival of the military police at the camp, a group of civilian protesters, which included far-right MPs, assembled outside protesting against the investigation into soldiers they believe were merely performing their duties. Some protesters managed to force their entry onto the base.

The Prime Minister of Israel Binyamin Netanyahu condemned the unlawful entry and urged tranquillity. Yoav Gallant, the Defence Minister, asserted that in all circumstances, the law is applicable to all, stating that no one can intrude on the premises of the IDF.

Herzi Halevi, military chief staff General, supported the investigation, stating it preserved the integrity of the Israeli military. In a response to the attempted intrusion he said, “In the middle of a war, actions like these pose a danger to national security. These investigations are what safeguard our soldiers in Israel and around the world and uphold the IDF values.”

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a leading figure of the nationalist-religious faction in Netanyahu’s government and a regular critic of the military leadership, shared a video message on X social media platform stating that the soldiers should be considered heroes and not be treated as criminals.

Footage of demonstrators forcefully entering a base was broadcasted on multiple Israeli TV stations. A senior minister from an extremely nationalist party could be visibly identified among the crowd.

Yesh Atid, a middle-of-the-road opposition party, demanded the removal of the parliamentary deputy speaker who is alleged to have joined the protest and encouraged participants.

There has been an increased international focus on Israel due to ongoing claims of detainee maltreatment in Israeli prisons, an issue that’s magnified with the Gaza conflict heading into its eleventh month. The American foreign affairs department revealed in May that it was investigating claims of Palestinian detainee mistreatment by Israel. – Reuters
