“Irish Woman’s Dubai Detention Speedily Resolved”

Praise has been extended to the Government from an advocacy organisation for their rapid response to the situation of Tori Towey, a woman from Co Roscommon, now being charged with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption in Dubai. Ms. Towey, 28, moved to the Emirati city for a job opportunity with Emirates Airlines and has been unable to exit the country due to these charges, as communicated in the Dáil on Tuesday.

Ms. Towey has consular assistance from the Department of Foreign Affairs, an initiative first brought to the fore by Dubai Detained, an organisation representing both her and her mother. With admiration for the Government’s quick action, the CEO of Detained in Dubai Radha Stirling expressed her optimism that these proactive steps by the Department of Foreign Affairs would help dismiss the charges against Ms. Towey and lift the travel restriction, allowing her return to Ireland.

Sinn Féin leader, Mary Lou McDonald claimed, during the Tuesday Dáil session, that Ms. Towey has been a domestic abuse victim. Additionally, she mentioned that Ms. Towey is facing a travel restriction due to her alleged illegal drinking and attempted suicide, criminal activities in the UAE that could lead to a six month sentence.

In response to the Dáil’s inquiries, the Taoiseach Simon Harris expressed readiness to provide any support required by Ms. Towey. Ms. Stirling provided background information about Ms. Towey’s case, saying her hearing is scheduled for the next week. Ms. Towey relocated to Dubai the previous year to chase her aviation dreams. Ms. Stirling stated that Ms. Towey’s marriage to a South African man turned physically abusive and she ended up in the hospital with serious injuries. Following another assault, the police intervened, however, Ms. Towey ended up being charged with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption.

Ms Stirling has referred to a situation involving an assaulted woman who is further victimised by the system as “ridiculous”. Over the years, she notes, there have been cases where rape survivors have been accused of extramarital sex, calling attention to a culture she’s observed emerging from the UAE. Optimistically, the country appeared to be showing interest in women’s and victim’s rights for public image’s sake, but it seems little has altered in reality.

What is truly shocking to Ms Stirling is the fact that a woman who has been hurt to the extent of having bruises distributed across her body, is now suffering at the hands of the system once more. She expresses her gratitude for the significant support seen for the woman from Irish citizens, government officials and leaders.

Though situations like these hinge heavily on diplomacy, Ms Stirling points out that without the Irish Government’s help, the woman could potentially face prison, charges, and deportation. Consequently, different representatives from the Irish Government have sought out meetings with the UAE ambassador to Ireland, along with Ireland’s ambassador in the UAE, hoping to initiate diplomatic discussions – an action she views as the quickest and most effective means to bring the woman home.

Strangely enough, the woman has been told that she’s been accused of alcohol abuse and attempted suicide – charges that Ms Stirling has validated with the Department of Public Prosecutions. This is peculiar given that the UAE claims to have decriminalised attempted suicide and alcohol consumption recently. With this in mind, Ms. Stirling finds it perplexing that they would proceed to file charges against the woman, given her evident need for assistance and a return home to her family.

Ireland’s ambassador to the UAE was in contact with Ms Towey last night, who is currently residing in an Airbnb with her mother Caroline, who travelled there to offer her support – as reported by Ms Stirling.

“She’s considerably fatigued and finds the situation incredibly daunting. However, the outpouring of kindness she has received has truly touched our hearts. The prompt action taken by the Irish government in response to her plight came as a surprise. I must commend the swift actions taken by Ireland, which are unprecedented in my experience.

Drawing from our engagement with numerous similar issues concerning human rights, the impact of government intervention is evident. If the government speaks up for its citizens, communicating with its foreign counterparts, and even escalating the matter to authority figures like Sheikh Mohammed, the Ruler himself, or leading figures in the police and justice system, it can prove extraordinarily successful. The authorities’ proactive actions rather than their dismissive attitude can significantly contribute to bringing citizens back home.

She’s eagerly waiting to return home, to heal from the dreadful, shocking year she has had. I believe she needs some healing time, surrounded by friends, family, and the familiarity of her own country,” expressed Ms Stirling.

Detained in Dubai, according to its website, offers confidential assistance in civil and criminal cases, moreover, consults with governments worldwide on UAE legal matters.

Annie Flynn, who is Ms Towey aunt claims the family remains hopeful that diplomatic efforts will result in dropped charges, allowing her return to Ireland. “We’re all on edge,” she confessed to RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland program. “We’re anxious awaiting news that they’re (Ms Towey and her mother, Caroline) en route home. There’s uncertainty if this lawsuit will proceed? And if it does, what will happen? We remain optimistic. It’s really shocking that such an incident could happen to a lively, young woman who was always up for an adventure. She had an affinity for traveling, and she’s such an attractive, young woman.”

The communication with them has been a daily and often multiple times a day occurrence since the commencement of this ordeal – they’re both striving to maintain an optimistic outlook. We are also making an effort to stay positive, but the situation persistently occupies our thoughts as I believe does theirs, given that the entire family is constantly reaching out to them. It’s a difficult situation, especially given the distance, yet with the support of Radha Stirling, the Taoiseach, and numerous ministers, we hope for a positive outcome. We eagerly anticipate good news.

Our hope is that some course of action will prevent this case from going to court. It’s challenging to comprehend that this young lady stands accused of attempted suicide. It’s a scenario that’s incredibly tough to accept.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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