Irish Vehicle Leasing Firm Outperforms Giants

While one might perceive vehicle leasing as a drab topic discussed by company accountants after tedious meetings, its importance extends far beyond that simplistic view. The relevance of corporate car fleets is immense. They not only support the continuous operation of the nation’s businesses, but also serve as significant indicators in a time of substantial transformations within the automotive industry.

The Irish firm NiftiBusiness stands as a prominent player in the realm of vehicle leasing, exerting its influence as an independent entity, challenging and outperforming global conglomerates in providing vehicles to local businesses.

NiftiBusiness is led by their CEO, Catherine Guy, who believes the success of the company can be attributed to an uncomplicated formula of employing the right people and motivating them appropriately. She states, “Our expansion over the recent years can be linked to the strategic restructuring of our business with competent individuals, and the development of an autonomous, Irish-owned brand. This provided us with an excellent opportunity to rejuvenate ourselves, revise our messaging, and engage the market with renewed vigour.”

Under Guy’s leadership, NiftiBusiness has grown considerably, securing significant investments from AIB and Nissan Ireland. Indeed, NiftiBusiness is set for exponential expansion in the forthcoming years. As Guy mentions, “Our ambition is clear – constant growth and progression. Even though we hold a firm position in the current market, our objective is to continuously push the business forward. This means perpetual competition in a highly competitive industry.”

Currently, NiftiBusiness has a workforce of 45, but anticipates an increase in employees in order to meet their growth objectives. To Guy, the focus is to establish NiftiBusiness as a reliable, local business leasing and fleet management operator that emphasizes local market acumen and responsive customer service.

Guy, a representative of NiftiBusiness, believes customers have every right to anticipate a standard level of professionalism, service, and product, irrespective of the company’s Irish roots. He emphasises that simply being Irish won’t earn them a free pass to business. What sets them apart, however, is their capacity for swift decision-making and nimble responses. Their team, who all share an open-plan workspace, can make necessary decisions quickly and efficiently.

The other advantage brought forth by the company is an exceptional level of customer service. Guy comments, “We are deeply connected with our customers’ experiences and are proactive in addressing any arising issues – at all times there’s a representative available for our customers to discuss their issues with.”

The focus of NiftiBusiness isn’t solely top-down customer interaction. They also ensure the final users, the individual drivers who utilise their vehicular provision, are satisfied. Their approach involves regularly gathering feedback from drivers, granting them consistently high customer satisfaction ratings. Guy explains, “Happy drivers might not necessarily be the decision-makers within a company, but their happiness directly impacts the comfort level of the fleet manager. That’s why our relationship and account managers are committed to maintaining comfort and satisfaction across all stakeholders through personal connections.”

Moreover, NiftiBusiness is spearheading the transition to electric vehicles. Climate-friendly vehicle leasing is a priority in every deal they handle, though Guy acknowledges that some companies might not be fully ready to migrate to an entirely electric fleet.

Guy, representative of NiftiBusiness, states that since their rebranding in 2020, they have positioned themselves steadily in the electric vehicle (EV) and alternative fuel sectors. Back then, not everyone was considering this arena, but it has certainly gained significance with the introduction of the Government’s carbon reduction objectives. They have witnessed rapid growth in the EV market and are keen to encourage their customers to transition towards electric driving. As with any technological advancement, this comes with its own challenges, requiring the business to adopt a precise approach. They have the capacity to calculate the environmental and cost-effectiveness of EV adoption for customers. They are also committed to ensuring access to sufficient charging infrastructure, both at workplaces and ideally at the driver’s homes, to facilitate hassle-free EV usage. The majority, about 70 per cent, of the quotations they present include an EV option and many customers are considering it. Although not everyone is prepared to make the full switch at once, there is a noticeable increase in interest.

Guy points out that although the overall vehicle market doesn’t strictly mirror the changes in the business leasing market, it certainly holds a degree of influence. As NiftiBusiness is predicted to grow, its influence in the market is also expected to increase. Guy reveals a business plan that extends until 2028, with a basic intention to maintain an interesting and innovative attitude, continually offering new additions for their customers. Nonetheless, the underlying ambition is growth and expansion.
