“Irish Times: Perilous Days in Middle East”

Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, did not receive a warm welcome during his recent visit to Capitol Hill, with increased support for Palestinians and several Democrat members of Congress opting not to attend his speech. Despite this, Netanyahu staunchly defended Israel’s actions and was backed by the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, at a meeting held on Friday. Despite this, his interaction with Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee, was evidently somewhat strained.

The importance of the position of the US has been highlighted by recent events that prompted Netanyahu to cut his visit short and head back to Israel. Further attacks by Israel on Gaza were met with retaliation in the Golan area, an Israeli-occupied territory, resulting in the death of a dozen young people. Israel asserts that Hizbullah is responsible, despite their denial, leading them to target Hizbullah sites in Lebanon. As these events unfold, fear is escalating that this could catalyze a broader regional dispute.

As the situation intensifies, the US will undoubtedly play a pivotal role as a key ally of Israel. Nevertheless, Netanyahu has so far disregarded all appeals for moderation, and the strike in Golan demonstrates the unyielding nature of Israel’s adversaries. Diplomatic dialogue will persist, but it is expected to face delays.

During his stint in the US, Netanyahu showed no inclination toward agreeing to a ceasefire or releasing prisoners, as proposed by the United States. His Congressional address lacked any mention of restoring Palestinian governance or advocating a two-state solution. As he reverts to Israel, further strikes on Hizbullah can be anticipated.

The concern is growing for an escalation of violence in the region, potentially expanding Israeli action in Lebanon and even incorporating Iran. As it seeks to circumvent this grim prospect, the influence of the US will be crucial in endeavouring to encourage Israel to exercise restraint. From the attacks on October 7th, establishing limits on Israel’s response has been one of Washington’s main objectives, but achieving this now appears considerably more challenging.
