“Irish Times: France’s Dangerous Political Drift”

The political landscape in France remains desolate, even seven weeks following the divisive July 7th election, with no new government in sight, a long-standing tradition of minimal coalition formations, and a spokesperson seemingly rudderless. Unlike the neighbouring Belgium that has had a long history of utilising makeshift “interim” governments during similar predicaments, France appears to be aimlessly idling amid the confusion.

With the summer vacation period in August and the distraction of the Olympics now past, President Emmanuel Macron, who suffered a severe political blow during the elections with his coalition taking a hit, continues to show negligible urgency to appoint a new Prime Minister. The president’s recent refusal of the left-wing Nouveau Front Populaire’s (NFP) proposed candidate, 37-year-old civil servant Lucie Castets, has intensified the bitterness. Macron persistently opposes Castets, arguing that over 300 deputies within the 577-seat National Assembly would instantly reject her.

Macron, whose prime concern is to protect his political legacy, has been urging factions within the NFP, including Socialists, Greens and Communists, to strive towards finding modes of collaboration with other political parties, thereby attempting to dismantle the alliance involving the LFI’s far-left. In response, NFP has rallied its support base to protest against what they see as a violation of democratic principles.

Castets, a somewhat obscure former socialist and NFP’s nominee, was a compromise offered in response to Macron’s reluctance to consider the hard-left LFI’s leading role in the government. Despite this, the alliance persists in its commitment to overturning Macron’s austerity politics – reinstating the retirement age at 62, injecting more funds into health and education sectors, and increasing taxes on the extremely wealthy. This puts it at loggerheads with the centre-right.

Macron’s miscalculated decision of dissolving the parliament in an attempt to bring political ‘clarity’ amid the rise of the far-right has rebounded disastrously. His denial to form coalitions or acknowledge voters’ demand for ‘change’ reinforces the political stagnation and chaos, unintentionally favouring the very far-right factions he aimed to suppress.
