Irish AI Start-ups Get €100,000 Pre-seed Investment

The Irish tech start-ups, Risso AI and Persuva AI, specialising in artificial intelligence, have each been granted €100,000 in pre-seed funding to advance the development of their unique platforms. Risso AI utilises this cutting-edge technology for noise pollution surveillance, in contrast, Persuva AI crafts tailored ad copy to target specific audiences.

This funding has been provided by an early-stage investment agency named Growing Capital, which primarily fosters start-ups with Ireland as their base of operations. Both firms have previously secured €100,000 from the Pre-Seed Start Fund (PSSF) managed by Enterprise Ireland, leading to a cumulative funding for this round of €200,000 per firm. The PSSF administered by Enterprise Ireland is meant to assist companies in realising technical and business objectives that are critical for securing future seed funding.

“The financial assistance that we have now gathered from both Enterprise Ireland and Growing Capital is instrumental in confirming and launching our innovative product in the market, facilitating our business strategies, whilst propelling our expansion and aspiration to triumph in international markets,” stated Luca Marchesotti, the founder of Risso AI.

Business innovation hub Furthr also extended their support to these companies. With these recent investments, Growing Capital has now backed four pre-seed companies. Gianni Matera, the founder of Growing Capital, commented, “The start-ups we have invested in demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to innovation, toughness, and a profound comprehension of market trends. We have made a decision to support these enterprises not just based on the potential of their ideas, but also the zealous teams driving them, and their relentless dedication to address actual issues.”
