Ireland’s Climate Risks Demand Immediate Attention

Dear Editor,

Once again, we are confronted with another critical climate warning, the latest issuing from the Climate Change Advisory Council. This time, the proclamation suggests that Ireland is on a collision course with mounting threats to our lifestyle and survival (“Ireland facing ‘incrementally rising threats to survival and welfare,” News, 10th of September).

When will our Government finally comprehend the grave and singular danger posed by climate change, superseding all other crises? Contemporary scientific predictions indicate that it will spark monumental destruction and suffering, possibly not impacting us immediately, but having disastrous implications for our heirs and descendants.

The council, in view of the recent catastrophic floods besieging central Europe, is currently flagging Ireland’s “susceptibility arising from an absence of preparatory initiatives and focused financial provisions” as the primary cause for alarm.

Why not employ the €13 billion proceeds of the Apple tax windfall as a first step towards addressing the Council’s most pressing recommendation – the implementation of a “coastal protection plan and the fortification of indispensable infrastructure?” Let’s action this for the sake of our future generations while we still have the opportunity to cause a positive shift. – Your sincerely,


Written by Staff

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