Iranian oil refinery and Iran’s Kharg catch on fire

Iranian officials still not explain the cause for the Kharg caught fire even though the investigation had started.

The massive fire caught out at the Iranian oil refinery on Wednesday evening. The oil refinery takes place in south Tehran. That refinery known as the Tondguyan refinery had stopped all operation at the facility as firefighters made effort to extinguish the fire.

Iranian oil refinery and Iran’s Kharg catch on fire

The head of Tehran’s crisis management organization, Mansour Darajati, explained to state TV that fire sparked by a loss at a liquid gas pipeline at the facility. Head of the Tehran Oil Refining Co, Shaker Kafaii, added that they set aside the probability of sabotage. Until now, the reason for the fire at the Tondguyan refinery still unclear.

Iran’s warship caught fire

Not only that, but the Iranian largest warship navy also caught fire and sank on Wednesday. It arrived in the Gulf of Oman under unclear conditions. The firefighter tried so hard to extinguish the fire but their maximum effort neglected to kept Kharg.

The 619-foot ship sank near the Iranian port of Jask. It is about 1,270 kilometres southeast of Tehran near the Strait of Hormuz. State media published 400 sailors and trainee cadets on board escaped the ship, with 33 suffering injuries.

Some photos about Kharg’s sailor spread on Iranian social media. It showed the sailor from the ship wear life jackets leaving the ship as a fire blazing behind them.

The cause of Iran’s warship burnt

Iranian officials still not explain the cause for the Kharg caught fire even though the investigation had started, they mentioned. Kharg’s sink records the newest naval trouble for Iran.
