Introducing Miss Italia 2010: who is Francesca Testasecca

19-year-old Miss Umbria, Francesca Testasecca is Miss Italia 2010 and here we show you more pics of the current Miss Italy and her tattoos.
Initally concerned that her tattoos would have scuppered her chances of winning, it seems they may have even increased them, with Francesca saying that each marking has a special meaning for her.

The 2010 Miss Italia edition was not without its controversy, but there are no doubts that Francesca is an attractive girl with her dark hair and blue eyes.
Whether she’s the most beautiful girl in Italy is certainly not for us to decide, but the fact of her tattoos has interested most of Italy and what’s more, she’s a girl who can express herself well.
Speaking perfect Italian without any coyness, she makes no apologies for her tattoos and having chosen them as her way to remember special things.
Despite choosing a tattooed Miss Italy to show that Rai is in step with the times, it seems almost trendier not to have the body markings these days.
But onto Francesca: She was born on April 1st, 1991, and lives in Foligno.

She’s 1.
74 metres tall and has just finished her final high school year at the tourism tech school.
She would like to be an air hostess but has ambitions for the world of Italian television and cinema that, after winning Miss Italia 2010, might just come true.
Check out her tattoos in these close ups and see more of her in the pics after the jump.

Written by Unit

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