Infamous figures at Naomi Letizia’s party with Berlusconi

In the wake of what might turn out to be a scandal or a storm in a tea cup in time to come, the guys at the Brindaconpapi (Toasting with Dad) blog have been having some fun photoshopping the various characters who may or may not have been present at the LetiziaBerlusconi party.

So far we’re at 274 pics and counting.
A second installment of the guest list appearances with photos are after the jump, and check out Brindaconpapi blog for more details.
The various guests hosted at the event, according to these pics, are the following:Angela MerkelMarco CartaJohn TravoltaThe Pink PantherThe Naked TruthX FilesDr.
HouseHappy DaysRatzingerPlatinetteHarrison FordThe Last SupperBeverly HillsThe BeatlesTotòCassano

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