Ideal Home-Maintenance Jobs for Now

Even though the summer hasn’t been basking in sun rays, there’s a silver lining to it — it’s the ideal moment to tackle those unattended home repairs that might have continued to be overlooked if the weather was more sunny. John Kinsella from confirms that this time of the year is perfect for ticking tasks off your home maintenance checklist.

The moderate Irish summer, Kinsella explains, is not only suitable for gardening but also for outdoor painting, which can be more challenging during other periods of the year.

Additionally, he offers homeowners several recommendations for this season. These include cleaning the gutters and inspecting the roof for any damage that needs repair post the winter months. The summer is also a prime time to get the annual boiler servicing done and inspect your doors and windows for drafts, ensuring your home is winter-proof.

He also advises to verify the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms for batteries and replacements if needed. And, not to forget, calling in a pro to review and boost your attic and wall insulation before winter sets in.

Echoing Kinsella, John Powell, CEO of Co Meath-based home-maintenance firm Premier Irish Homes, stresses the significance of prioritising tasks that contribute to preserving the state and functionality of our homes.

He suggests routine maintenance check-ups during the summer season for critical systems like plumbing, electrical, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning). Proactive checks can enable the identification and resolution of any issues before they evolve into expensive damages.

Alongside, conducting regular examinations and maintenance of your home’s exterior can prevent water damage and structural problems. Carrying out seasonal maintenance tasks like gutter cleaning, heating and boiler system servicing, and sealing windows and doors can help ready your home for fluctuating weather.

By being proactive and promptly addressing maintenance tasks, Powell affirms, one can safeguard their investment, maintain the safety and comfort of their abode, and potentially cut down on costly repairs later.

“It is crucial to recognise when it’s necessary to consult with experts for specific jobs in order to safeguard the stability and security of your home,” he emphasises. “Electrical repairs or installations should strictly be conducted by a certified electrician to avoid electrical fires or shocks risk. Similarly, major plumbing challenges like substantial leaks or issues with the boiler should be resolved by a competent plumber to avert water damage and potential health risks.

“Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems should be serviced by skilled technicians to guarantee maximum performance and energy saving – while roofing jobs, particularly those that concern structural problems or leaks, should be executed by seasoned roofers to prevent extra damage and ensure appropriate fitting.

“Mounting ladders on your own is perilously unsafe – and any repairs that concern the foundation, load-bearing walls, or overall structural solidity of the home should be managed by certified contractors to preserve the safety and sturdiness of the structure.

“If you’re doubtful about a certain task or lack the essential tools and skills, it’s always best to hire professional assistance in order to prevent possible hazards and expensive errors.”

Involving the Children

Maintaining the house and garden can be a never-ending task in itself, but during the long summer holidays, accomplishing these essential chores becomes increasingly challenging as children need both supervision and engagement.

However, by assigning suitable tasks to your children according to their age, you’ll be able to not only ensure that everything runs smoothly, but also prevent them from feeling bored, as well as teaching them the importance of responsibility and teamwork.

Bernie Woods, a teacher and also a creative mindful practitioner who operates, argues that there are several advantages to giving children purposeful jobs during the summer holidays, and indeed, all year round.

“Assigning tasks that encourage conversation, bonding, problem resolution and collaboration can be highly beneficial, enabling children to become proactive decision makers within their family,” says Woods. “Engaging children in house chores – such as table setting for dinner, walking the family dog, sorting out their toys and possessions, assisting in the garden, and jointly preparing meals – encourages them to take on an active role in the everyday family life.”

A mother-of-three, Aisling Owens Nash, is a staunch advocate for assigning responsibilities to her children. This viewpoint was informed by recommendations from specialists concerning her oldest child, who suffers from a condition known as developmental co-ordination disorder or dyspraxia.

In an effort to support his developmental needs when he was younger, she incorporated various activities into his daily routine. For instance, she would assign him chores like cleaning the leather sofas or carrying small bundles of clothes or different items upstairs. Now at 16, he has grown to manage his own laundry; washing, drying and putting away his clothes. In addition, he assists with tasks such as clearing the trash bins and lifting bulky objects.

Her second son who is nine, has developed a liking for bed making; taking delight in getting the sheet corners right, flattening the bedding and fluffing the pillows. His regular household duties include making his bed and vacuuming the living room and entrance hallway. Meanwhile, their youngest sibling, at seven years old, assists with dishwasher unloading, grocery stocking, and organising shoes in the utility room, as well as placing them properly on the shelves.

Nash believes that these negligible daily tasks are great learning platforms for the kids. They not only foster team working, communication and responsibility, but also, they are instrumental in honing life skills. She admits, however, that the kids are not always keen on performing these tasks. Nevertheless, these responsibilities are essential in preparing them for independent living and eventual self-made success.

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