Husqvarna drawings of new naked road motorcycle

Here are the first drawings and rendering of the future Husqvarna naked road going bike which is said to be under development.
While the rendering looks kind of odd, we do like the drawings of how the new Husqvarna 900cc engine, a bigger bore version of the BMW F800 unit, will be fitted to the naked bike.

The thing we find particularly incredible about these drawings is just how characteristic they are of Husqvarna design.
If the finished model turns out like this, we can look forward to roadgoing bikes in characteristic Husky style.
A tubular trellis frame looks like it’s being used, and we are likely to get simple but robust components.
The new Husqvarna roadgoing bikes will have to be distinctive to create their own niche and compete in the marketplace, and we could see some serious marketing happening before launch, especially on social networks.
But at this stage, we’d be happier to see more of the bike.
Expect to see more renderings, or even spy shots, coming soon.
Husqvarna road bike sketches

Written by Unit

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