How to use apple customer service

© Christopher Hall keyboard
© Christopher Hall
The store
Apple is one of the few computer manufacturers to sell their products direct from self branded stores on the High street. This makes accessing Apple employees a lot easier for the general public and is a big tick in the box for Apple.

Extended warranties
Apple follows this potential through with what is probably some of the best support provided by any IT hardware manufacturer. The first part of this is Apple‘s excellent three years extended Applecare warranty. It is well worth getting this pack as it’s rare any hardware, by any manufacturer, will be faultless for three years. As such just one repair will repay itself straight away.

Repair and maintenance
Apple Stores are also local repair centres for Apple products and also contain the ‘Genus’ bar where technical support can be obtained face to face with knowledgeable Apple Staff. They operate a booking system, which is easy to use, but given the popularity of the service, it can be a few days before you can find a suitable time slot. The stores due often work after 5pm though so getting support after work, for instance, is certainly possible.

The booking system is on the website and is quick and easy to use. Staff appear knowledgeable and repairs are very quick with even fairly complex repairs often taking less than a week – some repairs can only take a day or two. Apple will also service older apple products, although obviously you will pay for the repairs rather than being covered by Applecare.
Home support
Obviously not everyone can get to a store to get support. Fortunately the apple website, for the UK, has plenty of support options available and there is also a phone line should you be without internet access. They have options for online, email and phone technical support. Information for all can be found on the website.

Under Applecare, if you can’t get to a store, Apple will make you courier your part to them, fix it and return it in a very short time.

Final word
Overall, you have plenty of options to get support for your Apple product with more contact options than most companies.
