How to turn girls on?

© Funkdooby (Flickr) Lovely smile
© Funkdooby (Flickr)
Make her feel special
One of the biggest turn ons for women is to feel like they’re special. If a girl doesn’t feel like you think she’s important or the best thing in your life, she may be turned off because being treated special is imperative.


Do nice things for her like surprising her with a gift for no reason at all or taking her out to her favorite place for dinner. It is the little things that sometimes can mean the world to her and get her in the right mood. Being turned on isn’t all about sex, it’s also about getting on a girl’s good side and allowing her to feel like a princess.
Take care of yourself

Along with taking care of your girl, you need to take care of yourself as well. Good hygiene and manners really can take you a long way when it comes to knowing how to turn a girl on. You’ll want to make sure that you are always well-groomed by taking a shower, using cologne (not to excess) and brushing and taking care of your teeth.


Manners are important too. A girl isn’t going to think that you’re able to treat her very well if you’re rude to everyone else. It won’t impress her and she may find it to be a turn off. Girls know that if you’re hateful to the waiter then you may be hateful to her in the future. Take the time to be kind to others and show her what a great person you are.
Go at her pace
Last but not least, take things slow and allow her to be turned on naturally, without being forced in to anything.

By allowing your girl to go at her own pace, she’ll realize that you care about her and your relationship isn’t based solely on sex. Intimacy is important but you won’t be successful at turning her on if you’re pushy.

Read a girl’s body language to see how she is reacting to your advances and then go at a pace that she is comfortable with.

Written by Unit

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