How to search for a person on Facebook
How to search for a person on Facebook: the instrucions to follow.
Facebook no longer needs an introduction, it is now used all over the world by millions of users. Its main utility, which is also the reason why it was created, is to keep in touch with friends, find old friends and schoolmates whose news has been lost.
But Facebook is also a way to meet new people. Many people, friends and family, who live far away, perhaps in other states and continents of the world, use Facebook to keep in touch, exchange images and news. Even for those who are new to technology, the social network is a practical search tool that allows you to search for friends and relatives.
Although it is used in all parts of the world, not everyone knows all the possible uses it can have. A simple function is precisely to search for people, even those whose name is unknown. The button to click is People you may know. Through its search engine it is possible to filter searches by different categories and be able to trace even those people whose surname you have forgotten, using other basic data that you know .