How to repair carpet?

© Pavel Losevsky (Fotolia) carpet with geometric ornament
© Pavel Losevsky (Fotolia)
There are different methods of maintaining the cleanliness of a carpet like vacuuming and shampooing. However, it depends on the type and condition of the carpet.

If you have a heavy carpet which is soiled very badly, then vacuuming may not be enough to clean it properly. Instead, shampooing it would be a much better option. You can use wet cleaner machines to remove the detergent from the carpet to make it look cleaner.

It is not necessary to wash the carpet regularly because this can hamper the quality of the carpet. However, you can vacuum it regularly to keep it dust free. Using vacuum cleaner twice a week can prove to be very beneficial in avoiding dust to settle at the roots.

Spot cleaning is said to be effective in case of hard stains which are very difficult to remove in normal wash. To make things easy, machine cleaning is the best way but make sure you read the instructions carefully before using the machine on your valuable rug carpets.
Easy tips
Purchasing or renting a steamer or carpet cleaning machine is a very good option.
Vacuuming thoroughly the carpet twice a week is fundamentalThe areas where you think the dirt is heavy should be sprayed with cleaner in advance for optimum cleaning.Machine cleaning with hot or warm water can helpAlways clean the oriental carpet as per the manufacturer’s instructionAfter washing the carpet in the machine, make sure that it comes out dry in your hand, otherwise dry it manually.It is advised to dry the carpet in the sun to free the carpet from bacteria and fungusAn oriental carpet cleaning can change the look of your home in a single go. Therefore, make sure to clean it properly as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
