How to relieve back pain

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Lifting, bending, carrying heavy objects, and exercising are reasons of common back pain. Sometimes, pain is also caused by doing a wrong movement.

Age is another cause of back pain with the condition occurring more frequently as an individual gets older. Diseases also play a role in back pain. For example, a person who suffers from osteoarthritis will experience upper and middle back pain. Other medical disorders and diseases include herniated disks, bladder infection, premenstrual syndrome, kidney and prostate problems.

Stress, excessive physical movements, obesity, lack of exercise, and smoking are also contributing factors. The intensity and duration of back pains vary depending on the sources of the pain. Pain can be mild or intense and brief or long. For example, back pain due to infections of the kidney is felt on the side of the back instead of the centre. Pain that occurs in a localized area of the back because of strains and sprains is relieved by changing positions or by doing light movements.

For local pain, relief is achieved once the origins of the pain are identified and treated. These include bed rest and stopping any physical activity such as bending and lifting.

Antibiotics are prescribed for infections (kidney or bladder inflammation) that cause back pain. For severe pain, opioids and analgesics are given.

Applying hot or cold compresses also helps as well as massaging the affected area. There are studies that indicate the benefits derived from chiropractic treatment and acupuncture.

Losing weight, exercising including special aerobic exercises to strengthen the back, and quitting smoking are some measures to relieve back pain. If chronic or extreme back pain is experienced, surgery may be done.

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