How to pack quickly for my holiday?
The list of tips and tricks to pack quickly for holiday.
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One of the best packing tips is simply to make a packing list before you get started. Start writing your list a couple of days before you take off, and put down all those little, yet very important, things that pop into your mind. One of the best things about preparing packing lists is that you can save them and use them for your next trip! This will make your future packing quicker and even more easy!
Packing light and fast is all about managing that thing that usually takes up the most space in your luggage: clothes. Packing clothes might sound easy, but if you want to unpack wrinkle-free clothes at the other end of your journey, there is one golden rule: stop folding clothes and start to bundle pack instead! Start with the largest and most tailored garments and work your way towards the smallest. If you prefer, make a couple of bundles (for example one bundle for each day) to eliminate all that time looking for that special shirt that matches those certain pants.
There is no need to wait until the day before your trip to start packing. Instead, start ahead of time, and do a little each day. This way you will take the presure off the last packing day, thus avoid those stressful final few hours when you find yourself running around the house collecting everything on your list. This day could be spent relaxing and preparing for your trip rather than packing bags!
The best travel packing advice for all frequent travellers is simply to always have a bag packed and ready. Packing luggage every other week is just a waste of time.
Decide three matching colours for your travel wardrobe and work from that. This will not only save you time when packing but will also make it a lot easier for you to dress whilst you are away from home. Choose classic colours and clothes that you can mix and match in many ways. This way your packing will be light, fast and stylish!