How to make Italian quiche: savoury dish with beer and mortadella

We give you this Italian recipe for an Italian quiche dish which can easily be matched with a lager beer or a red wine with good structure and acidity.
Italian has a good range and history of “torte salate” or quiche dishes, and they’re often simple enough to make.

Ingredients for four people: 300 grams of puff pastry, a litre of beer, 250 grams of mortadella, leek, a tablespoon of chopped parsley, four eggs, a generous cup of cream, 30 grams of butter, salt and pepper.
Preparation: roll out the pastry, cover the bottom with some butter, wash the leeks and chop only the white part, browning in a pan with butter for about 10 minutes.
Pour the beer into the pan, leave to cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes, leaving the beer to evaporate.
Cut the mortadella into strips and add to the leek mix.
Turn the mix into the pastry.
On the side, beat the eggs with the cream, salt and pepper and pour into the pastry as well.
Bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour.
