How to make homemade beer: instructions

Below the complete istructions on how to make a homemade beer.

After a day of work, there is nothing better than sitting on your sofa, watching TV or reading a good book. All while enjoying a good, fresh quality beer. In this article we’ll focus on how to make a homemade beer.

Beer: an endless tradition

There are numerous varieties of beer on the market. Blondes, reds, with different types of malt and alcohol content. But with a single common denominator: delight the consumer’s palate.

This alcoholic drink is obtained from the fermentation of malt-based must (mainly barley), and bitter with hops. Other cereals are also used depending on the desired variety, including rye, oats, wheat.

It is a food with a thousand-year history. Thousands of years before Christ it was worked by the Mesopotamian peoples of the Sumerians and by the ancient Egyptians. A tradition handed down to the present day, in which beer is considered one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. It is usually consumed especially in bars and clubs, but also within the four walls of the house.

There is nothing better than getting out of work and enjoying a tasty cold beer to relax. There are many brands produced by industrial plants, but the taste is slightly different from those made by hand, which with pasteurization some flavors are altered, modifying their taste. For those who want to prepare a homemade beer here are the various procedures to follow to obtain an excellent product.

How to make homemade beer

Here are some useful tips on how to make an excellent homemade beer with the fermentation kit. Let’s start from the ingredients. They are:

  • Fermenter with tap
  • Malt jar
  • Receptacle for pouring
  • Scoop for mixing
  • Density meter
  • Adhesive thermometer
  • Bottle rinsing
  • Sanitizing material for cleaning the instrumentation
  • Brush for cleaning bottles
  • Capping machine to make the caps adhere to the bottles correctly
  • Large pot
  • Water
  • Sugar

Malt preparation

  • Immerse a jar in a pot full of hot water for about 10 minutes. Pour the hot water into the fermenter and add the contents of the previously heated can.
  • With the scoop provided clean it well and add the sugar. Mix for a few minutes. Gradually add cold water.
  • A compound of 23 liters must be obtained, with a temperature of about 22 degrees.


  • Insert the yeast and mix for about 30 seconds and maintain the aforementioned temperature, thus obtaining the wort. When finished, close with the lid.
  • Put the gasket and the absorber, to which the water with metabisulphite is inserted at the required level. Do not close hermetically.
  • Fermentation begins within a few hours, manifested by a sort of bubbling. It lasts between 5 and 8 days.
  • As soon as this boiling is reduced, a hydrometer should be used to observe the density of the liquid.
  • If the levels are correct, between 1300 and 1800, bottling can begin. If the density is higher, repeat the measurement after a couple of days.

How to make homemade beer: bottle washing

The bottles must be sterilized using the solution of water (one liter) and metabisulphite (two teaspoons), using the bottle rinser. Afterwards wash them again with drinking water.


  • Disinfect the other container and the tube with which to make the switch.
  • Add 160 grams of sugar to the freshly poured must and mix for about 30 seconds, so that carbon dioxide develops.


  • After disinfecting the spout and the tube, fill the bottles, without covering them at the rim (about 5 cm less).
  • Cap the bottle and let it rest for at least 4 weeks in a cool, low-light place.
  • READ MORE: How This Peruvian People Avoided the War by Drinking Beer
Tag: Beer