How to make a music video

1. Plan your video
© .shock (Fotolia) camera
© .shock (Fotolia)

Before you learn how to make a music video, you’ll need to plan out the video. Decide on the storyline for the video and the characters; you’ll need the background characters too.
2. Select the props and settings
© Torley (Flickr) my settings
© Torley (Flickr)

Now you need to select where your video is going to be filmed. You’ll need places that are easily accessible and match the story behind your music.
3. Select the music
© davidphotos (Fotolia) cd dvd disque dur
© davidphotos (Fotolia)

You’ll need music to create your video and you’ll need to decide what music you are using. Select something that goes with the video storyline.
4. Get your video camera
© WikiMedia (Wikimedia) 1 Picture of a canon video camera. Source Author Mosborne01 Da
© WikiMedia (Wikimedia)

Now you need to get a video camera and make sure that it’s stable. Having a tripod is the best way to do this. You should also get a reflector or some lights to make the video look professional. Now you can film the video.
5. Place the music while filming
© Carnoodles (Flickr) Music.
© Carnoodles (Flickr)

You need to make sure you sing along with the music perfectly. Wherever you film, you need to select the music that will be added over the top of the video.
6. Put your video on your computer
© David Farrell (Flickr) Computer Screen upside down
© David Farrell (Flickr)

Once you’ve finished filming, you’ll need to transfer the video to your computer. Most video cameras will now make it easy to do this through the use of an SD card. If you have an older camera, you may need to check the instructions to find out how to do it.
7. Using a video editing program
© Elsie esq. (Flickr) Amiga 500
© Elsie esq. (Flickr)

Most computers will have some sort of video editing software on them for free. These are not the best but they will work out well. If you want a more professional looking video then there are programs that you can buy.
8. Upload your video
© Andrey Kurehin (Fotolia) keyboard
© Andrey Kurehin (Fotolia)

Now it’s time to make your video known to others. You can do this through a number of different sites, including or Make sure you promote your video so others know about it. If you don’t want to post your video on the internet, burn it onto a DVD to be able to share it with your friends and distribute it to businesses (if that’s what you want to do).
