How to make a girl laugh
Do you want to get a girl? Let's start with the basis: how to make a girl laugh.
Doesn’t the girl you like find you funny or is your girlfriend bored spending evenings with you? Don’t worry, all is not lost and the relationship is not compromised. Sometimes, it takes very little to make a girl laugh. If the comic nature is not your thing, don’t worry, because there are small tricks and techniques that everyone can learn to become funny and nice.
It often happens that women say that a man, to please, does not necessarily have to be handsome and charming, but must know how to “make them laugh”.
Easier said than done for many people. Shy people often find it difficult to let go and can’t always make jokes in front of others. An obstacle that can be easily solved since, to make your girlfriend laugh, you don’t need to be a cabaret comedian, but a little inventiveness and imagination are enough. Here are little tips that help you to understand how to make a girlfried laugh. Even those who are apparently a “curmudgeon”, can become more self-ironic and fun.
First of all, it is very important not to take yourself too seriously and show yourself self-ironic, in fact. Knowing how to laugh at yourself, knowing how to joke about your limits or recognizing and smiling about your defects is a great gift, which shows self-esteem and self-awareness. Those who know how to laugh and make fun of themselves are thus more likeable and fun, as long as they do not overdo it with the risk of becoming false.
Therefore, to develop your ironic side it is useful to take a positive, playful and optimistic attitude.
It is useless to try to make funny jokes at any cost. Rather better to look for the funny side in every situation, perhaps taking a cue from an episode that just happened and telling an anecdote. In this sense, it is useful to “practice” making small jokes, perhaps with friends, so that at the right time playing and joking becomes completely natural. Then, it’s very important to be as natural and loose as possible, in order to feel relaxed and at ease. This helps to live the circumstances naturally and to grasp the best aspects.
Finally, when you are more familiar with the girl you want to make laugh, it is important to always make her feel important, at the center of attention, provoke her, make jokes about everything around you and, if you are in the mood, tell jokes.
These are little ways not only to make the girl laugh but also to show her that she is the most important thing in that moment and that those moments together are truly special. There is nothing better, for a woman, than to feel loved in these small daily gestures. It is also important to know that she has a positive person next to her, capable of playing down and knowing how to make fun of yourself, when the time is right. Laughing is good for health and, according to many, extends life: therefore, a laugh can also save a couple in crisis and lift a bad evening.