How to lose 144 licence points in only 15 minutes

This incredible story was told by a motorcyclist from Turin to Smania di Sicurezza (Italian Foundation for Road Safety), with proof of the adventure appearing on their blog.
The genius in question in this episode was riding around with no helmet, no rear vision mirrors, no lights and without his insurance, and last but not least, with the number plate fixed horizontally instead of vertically.

But that’s not all.
While attempting to avoid police he then went on a high speed escapade through the city centre, exceeding all speed limits and running through a series of red lights as well.
As in some of the worst action films, he then performed a series of motorbike acrobatics, wheel spinning while going against the traffic in a u-turn and mounting the grass embankments in attempts to change direction.
When the chase was finally concluded, the rider found himself with a fine of more than 2,000 euros, the confiscation of the vehicle and 144 points deducted from his licence – with only a total of 20 points on an Italian licence, we feel this guy won’t be riding for quite some time…

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