How to look younger than you actually are?

© looking younger
Skincare: For younger skin
Using good quality anti-ageing skincare products will help to keep your skin looking and feeling soft and youthful.

Your skin is a living organ and it needs to be cleansed and nourished daily. Get into the habit of cleansing, toning and moisturising your skin every morning and evening.

Your anti-ageing day cream should contain a good level of SPF (Sun Protection Factor), at least 15. This will help to protect your skin from sun damage and UV Rays, both which cause lines and wrinkles.

Using an anti-wrinkle eye cream every day will help keep the delicate eye area soft and smooth.
Diet – Food and Nutrition
Eating the right foods can help keep you looking years younger than you actually are.

Eating plenty of oily fish, fresh vegetables, fruits (especially avocados, melons and pomegranates) can all help in the fight against ageing.

Some anti-ageing experts believe salmon to be the perfect anti-ageing food, because it contains essential fatty acids, which have amazing anti-ageing benefits.

Anti-ageing supplements can be added to your diet to ensure that you get all the vitamins and minerals your skin and body needs to remain strong and healthy.

Always drink plenty of water, aim for 8 to 10 glasses a day.

Adding exercise to your daily routine will keep your body trim, toned,healthy and youthful.
Clothes – Dress to impress
Wear clothes that are well tailored and fashionable. Many women are afraid of dressing in a way that appears too young for them, but this can result in dressing in a way that can be unflattering. Wear elegant pieces and use fashionable accessories, in this season’s colors to add a modern twist to your look.

Wear light, attractive colors and aim for a chic look. Mixing and matching fashionable items with classic separates can be a fun way to develop your own younger look.
How to look younger for longer
Feeling good about yourself can be the best anti-ageing treatment available. Feeling happy and contented can provide you with a youthful glow, making your eyes sparkle and your skin glow.

Looking good is not only about looking younger than you actually are, it’s also about developing healthy habits that will prolong your beauty. Establishing good lifestyle habits will afford you younger looking skin, and ultimately will help you to look and feel young for longer. anti aging remedies

Written by Unit

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