How to have a boy

1. Male and female sperm
© Mikael Colville-Andersen (Flickr) The Sperm Bike in Copenhagen – 01
© Mikael Colville-Andersen (Flickr)

How to determine the sex
Sperm is the factor that decides whether the sex of the baby will be male or female.
The X chromosome makes a girl and the Y chromosome makes a boy.
The egg does not determine the sex at all.
There is a slightly higher chance of the sex ratio being a boy with 107 boys to every 100 girls born.
2. Faster swimmers
© Yvon_novY (Flickr) pregnancy week 35
© Yvon_novY (Flickr)

If you are determined to conceive a boy, the first thing to do is to work out your menstrual cycle so that you know exactly when you are ovulating.
There are kits that you can buy to measure slight changes in temperature which will pinpoint the exact day.
Male sperm are faster swimmers than female sperm, so having intercourse on the day that you are ovulating.
This will give the faster sperm the best chance to reach the egg first
3. Abstain
Abstain from sex for a few days before ovulation and two days after ovulation for the best chances how to conceive a baby boy.
The female sperm can live longer in the womb and is slower at reaching their target .
There is is a greater likelihood of the baby being a girl if the sperm has been there for longer.
4. Loose underwear
Why is it important?
Sperm are susceptible to heat changes with the female sperm being slightly stronger than the male sperm.
Loose fitting boxers will allow the testes to drop away from the body and cool down when they get hot, which will give the sperm a greater chance of survival
5. Finding Out
Final word
There is no sure way to find out if you are pregnant with a boy, other than a detailed scan or an amniocentesis test.
Tales about spinning wedding rings or amount of morning sickness are simply guess work.
Whatever sex your baby turns out to be, he or she will bring joy to your life in ways you can only imagine.

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