How to handle your teenager

© WikiMedia Wikimedia 1 Italian teenage boys in Venice , Italy Source Author Jeanne bole
© WikiMedia (Wikimedia)

A very important thing is to keep in close communications with the teachers from your child school, so they can signal you if there is any drop off in work quality.

It is for you and your teen best interest to set clear and firm limits, and do not be afraid to enforce them. Be sure that he or she has a curfew and knows what is and what is not acceptable.

To reduce the financial stress of unknown phone bills you should invest in an unlimited phone service with call waiting.

Adding your teen to your cell service is a very good idea, so that GPS positioning can track them if there is an emergency. This measure will give you peace of mind.

At this age usually their friends are more important than family. You should consider this when inviting them to all the family activities. This is part of the inevitable process of detaching from the immediate family and becoming an adult.

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