How to find completely free dating sites

1. Search with keywords
© Oleg Kulakov (Fotolia) purse with one cent
© Oleg Kulakov (Fotolia)

If you are looking for free dating sites online, then type that into your search engine. Typing "dating websites" will bring up a variety of free and fee options. You need to put "free" in the results to find the dating sites you want on the internet.
2. Keep your options open
© Christophe Fouquin (Fotolia) Businessman with computer
© Christophe Fouquin (Fotolia)

Rather than jumping at the first free dating website that you find in the UK, you should look around and find the best match for you. There will be some dating websites that are specifically for certain types of people, such as single parents, whereas others will be for a variety of people. Take your time and look around.
3. Avoid certain sites
© Natalja (Fotolia) nature morte
© Natalja (Fotolia)

There will be some that will ask for your credit card details for verification. This is not needed and you should avoid these websites. While the website will tell you that they will not use the details, there is usually a small print that says only the trial is free. You want online dating sites in the UK that are completely free and not just offering free trials.
4. Create a profile
© Waldemar Boniecki (Fotolia) rose and gift
© Waldemar Boniecki (Fotolia)

Once you have found websites that you think are for you, create a profile and remember the web addresses. Your profile should sound as original and unique as possible. Try to avoid cliche answers or quotes and inform your potential partners about your interests. If you enjoy reading, state the type of books that you like to read. If you enjoy adventurous training, tell your readers about the types of training that you do.
5. Search for matches
© Gina Smith (Fotolia) bride and groom kiss
© Gina Smith (Fotolia)

Now it’s time to search for your potential partner. Take the time to look through the different profiles that are on there. Some websites will offer a compatibility calculator but others will give you the chance to talk to absolutely anyone. When you think you’ve found someone, send them a message and wait for a reply.

Written by Unit

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