How to detoxify your body?

Day 346
© Perfecto Insecto (Flickr)
One week to cleanse your system
Detoxifying the body‘s system should be carried out gradually over a few days, eliminating all ‘heavy’ foods and focusing on liquids such as water and fresh fruits and vegetables like spinach and apples which help nourish the body. Gradually the body will adjust to this cleansing program and around days 3-5 you can reintroduce nourishing and wholesome foods back into your diet.
Days 1-2 of the detox
A great detox cleanser for the body is to drink plenty of water. This should form the basis of any healthy detox and will help to get the toxins moving around your body, helping to remove them faster. There are plenty of detox methods and detox remedies on the market, but it is by far the most effective to have an all natural detox. Throughout the detoxification diet, make sure to drink lots of water. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables for dinner.
Days 3-4 of the detox
Drinking lots of water is great for bowel detox and will help the body to rid itself of waste products and detox fast. Don’t snack during the day, eat small portions and stick to raw vegetables and fruits. You can add foods such as quinoa and oatcakes as these are easy on the digestive system and aid in the detoxification of the body. It goes without saying that most cleansing diets and detox programs prohibit alcohol, caffeine and drugs. They teach how to detox from alcohol as they introduce elements into the body which damage cell growth, which is harmful to the liver in large doses. Drinking alcohol is forbidden during a detox, as it is counterproductive. if you’re finding it difficult at this stage, it is worth focusing the mind on an exercise routine or a hobby which takes the mind off of drinking alcohol.
Days 5-7 of the detox
At this stage you will have tried many techniques and body cleansers which help to detox systems. Eat healthily, including a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, pulses and whole grains. After completing the detox health program you may want to go one step further and detoxify the colon to complete the detoxification’s natural process and feel clean inside and out. A colon detox can complete the cleansing, especially if you’re feeling sluggish.

Always consult a doctor before carrying out any detoxification cleanse.

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