How to cure bacterial vaginosis?

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The causes and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis
What are the Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial infection that occurs in the vagina. Contrary to popular belief it is not a sexually transmitted infection, though is more common in sexually active women than those who are not. It occurs as a result of an imbalance of the bacteria that live normally in the vagina. These bacteria are essential to the health of the vaginal environment, they only become a problem when an imbalance occurs. The symptoms of the infection are sometimes not apparent and many women will have the infection and be unaware of it.

For those who have symptoms, they will manifest themselves in the form of a change in vaginal discharge. The discharge is likely to be thin and watery and often a grey or white colour. The most troublesome symptom for many women, however, is the foul vaginal odor that smells strong and fishy that accompanies the infection.
Causes and Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments
What Causes Bacterial Vaginosis and how is it Treated?


The causes of the infection are not really known, though it occurs more frequently in women who have multiple sexual partners and those who use strong douches or strongly perfumed soaps to maintain intimate personal hygiene.


Bacterial vaginosis treatments are taken in the form of antibiotics, usually metranidazole, taken in tablet form. This cures the infection 90% of the time. There is no evidence that home remedies for bacterial vaginosis such as live natural yoghurt have any effect on the infection, therefore it is important to go to your doctor for treatment. Avoiding the triggers that can cause the infection is the best way to avoid the infection.
Complications of Bacterial Vaginosis
Are There Possible Complications to Bacterial Vaginosis?

In some women, recurrent bacterial vaginosis can occur. Around 25% of women treated with antibiotics for the infection will need to return for further treatment within a month.For some women, such as those who are pregnant, the infection is more serious as links have been shown to a higher level of miscarriage if left untreated. Therefore it is vital that advice and medical attention are sought as soon as possible for pregnant women with symptoms of the infection.

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