How to clean a hardwood floor?

© pablonilo (Fotolia) background texture of wooden boards floor
© pablonilo (Fotolia)
The basics
In comparison to carpets, pre-finished hardwood floors are very easy to clean and maintain.
Cleaning a hardwood floor can be interesting too, as they make the house look more spacious and give it a new look.

Tips to clean hardwood floor
It is recommended to sweep hardwood floors regularly to remove sand and dust because this gives it a new look.
Introducing doormats at every entrance is a good option to prevent dust and sand from entering the house and spoiling the floor.
You should use a rug in front of areas where water is used as that can spoil the wood. -Furniture often leaves marks on floor when you try to shift them, so it’s better to have cloth pads under them.
You should know that hardwood is more of a living substance that can react to sudden change in the atmospheric conditions. Therefore, you should have enough arrangements to maintain a relatively equal humidity in the region.
During summer, hardwood often expands due to the humidity that it absorbs. It is therefore necessary to implement a humidifier in the room.
Using high and sharp heels in the room can cause severe marks on the floor. Conclusion
Final word
Before you use any products, be sure to read instructions carefully, to ensure that you do not end up damaging your floor instead. Also, to find the best hardwood cleaners, you may want to do a quick search online.
It is also possible to find products designed for mold removal from wood, or cleaning lotions that are specially adapted to oak wooden flooring.
