How to become famous quickly?

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Reality TV
One way of becoming famous, is by participating in a reality TV programme. If it is a programme that the general public watches, you can become famous overnight. There are enough reality shows, so there is plenty of choice. From dating shows, to becoming a model to surviving in the wilderness, find your niche and apply.


Make sure that you stand out and have an opinion on everything. This will guarantee you more screen time. If you happen to find romance with another contestant while filming, you have hit the jackpot. You can then count on magazine deals after the episodes have aired, where the two of you share your love with the world.
If your dream is "to become an actor", take some acting classes and find an agent. Next,you can start going to auditions. Start trying to get small parts so that you can learn your craft. Also observe other famous actors and learn from their techniques.


Make sure that you are nice to everyone involved in the audition process, and to the people on set when you get a part. It could be a cameraman who singles you out to a director, and helps you to get your big break.
Be seen
Once you have a little bit of fame, make sure you go to every party, opening or promotion. Not only is this a good way to get your picture in the papers, but it also gives you the opportunity to meet people (like other famous film directors) who might be able to give you your next break.
If you don’t want to do the whole reality show circus, there is another way to instant fame. YouTube is a great way of showcasing your talents without the pressure of an audition, or just to get people to find out who you are. For instance, showing off your classical dancing skills in a YouTube video might not be a bad idea. Justin Bieber was discovered through YouTube, and he isn’t doing too bad for himself.
