How to apply fake eyelashes

126/365 Seussical
© Carnoodles (Flickr)

Start by purchasing a set of false lashes. For your first time, opt for the lower priced ones since it may take two or three tries to apply them perfectly. Although glue comes with most fake eyelashes, it is always best to buy a separate tube for emergencies.

Prepare the new lashes by holding them up to your eye and trimming the ends to fit. Lay the newly cut lash against the uncut one and then trim the uncut one accordingly. For a more natural look, trim a few individual lashes, leaving the outer lashes longer than the inner ones.

To apply the lashes, spread a small amount of glue across the edge of the lash and then lightly blow upon it to spread it. Using either your fingers or tweezers, gently lay the lash as close as possible to your natural lash line. Press firmly, but gently, in the middle and then repeat this, working towards the outer edges. Hold for thirty seconds afterwards to make sure it is firmly in place.

When you have both lashes applied, fill in any gaps with a black liquid liner. Start at the inner corner, and gently trace your eyelash across towards he outer corner. This fills in the any gaps between the fake and natural lash line.

To apply mascara, take a small spoon and lay it flush against your eye. This means the spoon should be cupping your eye. The spoon helps to hold the fake lash in place as you apply your mascara. It also helps to mesh the natural and fake lash lines to give a natural and realistic look.

Always keep a small tube of glue on you when you got out because accidents can happen. It may take a few tries to get the hang of applying fake eyelashes (which is why you need to start with the lower priced ones first) but the results are really something! Once you’ve tried a few times, you will be a pro and no one will ever suspect that your new lashes are fake!

Written by Unit

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