Best Household Plants to Grow to Purify the Air at Home

Most people would never say that, yet the substances most dangerous to health are inside our homes. How can we avoid contact with indoor sources of pollution? As well as being careful when buying furniture, preferring eco-friendly detergents and natural paints, and often changing the air at home, plants can also help. Many can purify the environment and neutralize harmful compounds.

Most people would never say that, yet the substances most dangerous to health are inside our homes. How can we avoid contact with indoor sources of pollution? As well as being careful when buying furniture, preferring eco-friendly detergents and natural paints, and often changing the air at home, plants can also help. Many can purify the environment and neutralize harmful compounds. Let’s find out which household plants are best for this purpose.

Household Plants: Aloe and Spider Plant

Already present in many homes because of its many beneficial properties for the skin, aloe is able to absorb formaldehyde. The advantage is that it is also very easy to grow, because it does not need special care. The only precautions you need to take is to put it in a bright and warm environment. This means that in summer it can be outdoors, but in winter it is better to keep it indoors. Water it moderately, twice a week when it is hot, once during the other seasons.

Less famous than aloe, the spider plant is always one of the best plants to purify the air. It neutralizes various pollutants, formaldehyde, xylene, carbon monoxide, but also fine dust and smog from outside. This plant is also suitable for those who do not really have a green thumb. Just remember that it loves bright places and cannot tolerate temperatures below 50 °F. It should only be watered when the soil is completely dry – therefore rarely in winter, more frequently in spring and summer.

Fern and Ivy

The fern is the most effective plant of all in neutralizing formaldehyde: it can absorb up to 20 micrograms in one hour. Much used to furnish homes, ferns are native to tropical areas, so they need bright but humid environments. They fear the cold, so in winter it is better to keep them indoors, but away from radiators. The soil must never dry up, therefore you should water it often in summer. Finally, remember to vaporize occasionally some water on the leaves.

Also ivy can absorb big quantities of formaldehyde, as well as other substances such as benzene and trielin. It is also useful in the office because it reduces the concentration of xylene and toluene. Ivy is very resistant, as it can withstand even the coldest climates. As a result, it is quite easy to grow. It is best to stay in the shade, not in direct sunlight. It should also be watered when the more superficial soil dries out.

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