Hotels and relais in Piedmont: Canonica di Corteranzo, near Turin

Not far from Turin and Alessandria there’s a lovely relais where one can relax and enjoy the pleasures of life; surrounded by green rolling hills and threaded through by the Po river, La Canonica di Corteranzo (this is the name of the place) was built in the 17th century as a hunting lodge.

From here guests can easily reach the astonishingly beautiful Val Cerrina which is an enchanting corner of paradise, with its wild life and arresting landscape.
The relais is now part of a farmstead which comprises several buildings and wineries.
All rooms at the relais bear such enchanting names as Badessa or Abbess, Rosa or Rose and Campanile or Bell Tower and this will undoubtedly add a bit of magic to your stay.
Prices vary from 80 to 130 euros.
