Horse riding courses in Tuscany

If you like horse riding, and you’re tempted by the idea of playing out a spaghetti Western film, try a holiday at the farm house Il Cornacchino in Tuscany.
In the heart of the natural reserve park of Monte Penna, between Siena and Grosseto, you can try horse riding in Tuscany.

The offer is only for experienced riders who know how to walk, trot and gallop a horse without difficult.
The course will provide further lessons in managing a horse around an obstacle course, along with preparations in trail, western riding and pleasure, with a final stage in managing the horse around the countryside.
The course lasts a week, with afternoon lessons of two hours long.
The mornings can be spent either in excursions with the horses, or watching the horses with their foals in training.
Various dates for the horse riding in Tuscany at Il Cornacchino are available, from March through to May, then July and Agust, and a week in September-October.
A week in a double room with full board and lessons and excursions, comes to 708 euros.
