Historical Dissenters

In an otherwise commendable defence of Ireland’s recent interactions with European Union bodies, it was disheartening to find Barry Andrews MEP label Poland and Hungary as “recusants” in his opinion piece on September 18th, “Ignore the negativity. Michael McGrath’s new job is a win for Ireland”.

Mr. Andrews employs the term ‘recusant’ in his critique of these nations due to the questionable practices of their ruling governments regarding democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Surely, he must be aware (keeping in mind our own Daniel O’Connell’s role as “the Liberator”), that recusants were actually members of a suppressed religious minority – primarily Catholics (alongside non-conforming Protestants), in the United Kingdom during the era between the Reformation and Catholic Emancipation.

Comparing these victims of religious persecution to the justifiable rebukes he gives to the governments in question is not suitable – even more so when considering the notable Catholic populations of both countries. – Yours truly,
Assistant teacher,
Law Faculty,
Trinity College Dublin.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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