Harley-Davidson Rome 110th Anniversary: video and pics of the parade

“All roads lead to Rome” they say, and last weekend plenty of HarleyDavidson hordes of fans coming from every corner of the world proved that just right once again with the colourful invasion of the Eternal City, where they celebrated the 110th birthday of their much-beloved brand.
The Italian capital was chosen to host the European celebrations for the 110th anniversary of the legendary American manufacturer, and that was too good of a chance for the H-D people of Europe to flock together and show the world the huge passion that still surrounds the unmistakable Bar-and-Shield branded motorcycles.

In other words, this was ‘the’ H-D rally of the year outside of the U.
, with the final event for the Anniversary set to take place in hometown Milwaukee at the end of August.
The one feature in the dense program of the event that really gave all the H-D guys (mainly the representatives of the various H.
Chapters, some of whom came from such remote place as Chile and Australia) their well-deserved chance to shine was the parade that took place last saturday morning, which allowed them to take over the ancient streets of Rome and touch such historic locations as the world-famoous Colosseo and the Altare della Patria monument.

Our friends from twin-site Motoblog.
it were there and they took the chance to take a few pics here and there (click here to see the gallery of coolest custom bikes around), with H-D’s own photographer Stefano Gadda that also made a strong contribution to the large and exclusive photo gallery we are pleased to provide you with today.
We also got a cool 15-minute-long video that you can watch right after the jump, and rest assured there are quite a few cool chracters in there: check it out.

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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