Harley-Davidson only motorcycle brand in World’s best Top 100

Interbrand is one of the world’s leading brand consultancy, and every year they publish a highly rated ‘Best Global Brands’ chart, basically the Top 100 of the most popular, influential and valuable brands of the planet.
And once again, HarleyDavidson is the only motorcylce-releated brand that made it in the chart.

This is definitely a great accomplishment for the Milwaukee-based manufacturer, but on the other hand one cannot help but notice an overall negative trend for H-D, which has seen its world-famous logo going down in the chart every year and reach the 100th place in 2011.
Harley Davidson is surely in good company down there (Ferrari for instance is ranked in 99th position), but even though Interbrand estimated a 7% increase in sheer value for the brand, to a company that intends to be not only a mere motorcycle manufacturer but also a ‘life style’ (just think of all the passion surrounding H-D as well as the variety of different products out there bearing the glorious bar-and-shield logo), that downgrade has to sound like an alarm bell.
However, we are pretty sure that someone in Milwaukee has taken notice.

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