Guide to Italian restaurants: “Mangiarozzo” features cheap trattorie in Italy

If you can read Italian and you love all things to do with traditional Italian cooking, the book Mangiarozzo could be perfect for you.
It’s a giude to the taverns and trattoria of Italy, evaluating their quality not by labels, but “by the fork”.
The author, Carlo Cambi, is the founder of “I viaggi di Repubblica” and president of the wine trails Arezzo.

He wrote the book to generate good food culture, to celebrate the cooks of traditional Italian cuisine, often snubbed by the more prestigious food guides.
Cambi is also about celebrating the link between agriculture and flavours, while offering readers a selection of places where you can eat in Italy, while spending the right amount.
The taverns appearing in Mangiarozzo are selected on the basis of criteria such as the relevance of the traditional cooking, family management style and reasonable prices.
The book includes no ranking system of stars, forks or hats, and proposes a culinary tour of Italy, visiting the places featured.
The book costs 20 euros and includes 800 pages of where to eat in Italy.
