Guide to buying handmade wedding stationery

© Paul Retherford (Fotolia) bride groom walking away forever in love
© Paul Retherford (Fotolia)
Why choose homemade wedding invitations
There are many reasons why people would choose to send homemade wedding invitations rather than those made by a professional printer.
For example, you may want to create your own bespoke design to add a more personal touch to your invitations.
People are often looking for ways to make their wedding stand out and using unique invitations is just one way to do this.
It also allows you to make every single invitation slightly different, so all your guests feel particularly special.
This sort of personalisation would probably not be possible if you used a professional printer.
Finally, it is often cheaper to buy wedding stationery and create your own invitations than it is to hire a company to print invitations.
A wedding is very expensive and creating homemade invitations is an easy way to reduce the budget.
Buying wedding stationery
Places to go
There are many places you can go to get everything you need to make handmade invites for your wedding.
First, you may want to check the high street stationery shops.
These stores often have a special wedding section, where you can get everything you need to create beautiful invitations.
There are also specialist wedding stores in many towns.
As well as wedding stationery they will stock favours boxes, if you wish to give your wedding guests a small gift.

Wedding fares are also a good place to find companies that supply wedding stationery, as well as printers that will produce invitations for you.
This will allow you to compare the costs of the two different options, as well as get inspiration for any designs you may want to produce.

Final word
Finally, many wedding stationery stores have an online presence, meaning you can look online for stationery.
You may also be able to get wedding stationery on auction sites such as eBay. After all, when someone has created their wedding invitations they won’t need any left over wedding stationery every again.
