Gualtiero Marchesi returns to Milano, to the Biffi Scala

A historic re-opening occurred yesterday in Milan with the first Italian chef to ever receive three Michelin stars returning to Milan and re-opening the famous Biffi Scala restaurant.
When once a bar, the Biffi Scala was apparently the first bar in Milan to have electricity in 1882.
Now the chef, Gualtiero Marchesi has returned from Franciacorta to take up his post at the restaurant near to Milan’s famous opera house.

From coffee at 7:30 in the morning to after theatre treats until 1am, the great chef has said:“Milan is my city.
When a few years ago someone asked me if I wanted to return to Milan I jokingly replied that if I would do something I would make them give me a room at the Castello Sforzesco, the Duomo or the Scala.
And here I am.
I combine cuisine with music because I have a family of musicians.
There will be a wall dedicated to the family on my wife’s part who counts five generations of musicians.
