Greenpeace homeless Polar bears in Rome for G8 summit

With the G 8 summit taking place here in Italy, Greenpeace has sent its activists to Rome where they are right now promoting their new campaign aimed at raising awareness of climate change; the activists dressed as polar bears and with placards hanging from their necks and reading “ Victims of Global warming” have been spotted all over Rome; from the Colosseum to Castel Sant’Angelo, from Via della Conciliazione to the Circo Massimo.

Carlo Tedesco, Greenpeace Italy Energy and Climate chief, said that with the polar ice caps melting at such a fast rate, the bears risk extinction in twenty years’ time.
But, added Mr Tedesco, 20-30 % of all animal species will be in danger if earth’s temperature continues to increase.
Scientists have predicted that the planet will have an increase of 6 grades by 2100.
Il G8, Greenpeace e gli Orsi Polari a Roma

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