Holiday abroad for Britons
Mr. Shapps says that British people will go on holiday abroad. There will be a traffic light system which indicates the destinations and the rules.
British people will be able to go on holiday abroad: that’s what Grant Shapps, a Member of Parliament, says. It’s the first time that this happens in a long time.
The government has announced that the British will be able to go on holiday abroad. However, depending on the trend of the infections, the destinations could be limited. But it’s already something.
Transport Minister Shapps, meanwhile, said that the government has thought and is developing a traffic light system. This will be able to indicate, through the colors, in which countries it’s allowed or recommended to go. Evaluations shall be based on the number of infections and the vaccination campaign of foreign countries.
Travel will probably be allowed from 17 May: if this happens, England would be the first to allow travel to its citizens.
Shapps also announced that the publication of the list with all destinations and their colors will take place in two to three weeks at the most.
He declares that it is an attempt at progress, of evolution, but always keeping caution.
This system works very much like a traffic light. It is not difficult to understand that it’s allowed to move to green destinations without isolating oneself. just run a test before departure and the second day after return.
If citizens decide to go to orange destinations, then they will have to isolate themselves for 10 days. However, they can avoid this if they perform a (negative) swab at least 5 days after arrival. In addition, as in green countries, they have to do a test before leaving and one the second day after arrival. But the difference is they’ll have to run one on the eighth day.
Those who decide to go to the red countries, will have to stay for 11 days in a hotel prepared for quarantine. Also in this case it is mandatory to test before departure and the second day after returning to the UK.