Getting married in Italy: weddings in Verona at the house of Juliet

One of Italy’s most romantic cities, Verona, is fast becoming a very fashionable destination for a wedding in Italy.
Following in the steps of one of literature’s most famous couples, Romeo and Juliet, you can get married at the house of Juliet in Verona.
While I’ve never understood the romance, seeing the depressing fate of the star-crossed lovers, the cost of the wedding might make you think twice, too.

Citizens from Verona pay about 600 euros for the privilege of getting married at Palazzo Cappello, other Italian citizens pay 800 euros, and overseas visitors pay about 1,000 euros.
Apparently the difference in price for Italians and foreigners is established to cover the costs of additional bureaucracy; whatever the case it is certainly quite a business.
Will I be the one to mention that Verona’s council, given the going prices of weddings these days, could charge even more…? For more information on weddings in Verona, see cittaverona.
it, also in English.
