George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis a couple since 2007?

According to some reports the scintillating new couple of George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis could have been on since way before we all realised.
Rumours of the ClooneyCanalis liaison since 2007 come from actor Alessandro Siani, who claims that the relationship may have started back when Siani and Canalis were working on a film together.

On set for “La seconda volta non si scorda mai”, Siani says he used to accompany Canalis back to her hotel each evening, and on leaving her there, would often feel under surveillance due to general heightened security activity.
He also noticed a car that would continually travel behind them, and on finally deciding to investigate one evening, he noticed that George Clooney was the passenger of the mysterious vehicle.
It all sounds a bit like indulging private eye fantasies, but then you never know.
But believe it or not, Clooney and Canalis are a sizzling hot topic and the biggest gossip in Italy at the moment.
